Any amount helps us achieve our goals


Etransfers can be made out to (our fiscal sponsor) with note: for Sacred Earth Solar


Cheques within Canada can be made out to the order of: Polaris Institute (write “Sacred Earth Solar” in the memo line). Mail to: Polaris Institute 601-331 Cooper Street, Ottawa, ON K2P 0G5

Donations are made through the Polaris Institute.

Sacred Earth Solar is fiscally-sponsored by the Polaris Institute, a registered non-profit organization in Canada and a 501(c)(3) organization within the United States.

Become a Sustainer

Sustainers are people who have donated to our work and decided to make a multi-year commitment as part of showing their loyalty to the vision of Sacred Earth Solar. Sustainers can be individuals, organizations, donor-networks, foundations, or businesses. To learn more, contact